Saturday, September 1, 2012


This song has been stuck in my head for the past four days! Everytime someone says "We are-" I start singing. It has become a real problem. Fortunately it is a fun song, and I love the bear dude!

In other news, I am now the Assistant Debate Coach for West Lake Thunder. (Ah I can hear the booing and hissing from my Lehi friends now. )  The only reason I am doing this is because I need money and Coach Mansfield offered me the job. It should be a very fun year for me.

Also, last night one of my "sisters" came home from her mission to heal a bit. She has been in Japan for almost 2 months, but because of her vertigo, a bike crash (not serious just bruising everywhere), and depression (who wouldn't be depressed with vertigo and bruises, causing you to not be able to do the Lord's work to the best of your abilities??)  she came home for a while. We love being able to see her and hear her stories, but I am praying that she will heal enough to go back out to Japan and spread the gospel. I love  having her around but I know she wants to go back out. We'll see what happens. <3